Wednesday, January 27, 2010

This is a naughty husky...

And I am a naughty last post, dated 2007, showed I hadn't posted in a year. Eh it's now 2010. Er, I am clearly not getting the hang of this. I will say that based on the last update:
- Still in same house
- No big paddle trips, but lots of little ones and great paddler friends
- Still two beautiful huskies getting into more and more mischief
- Minnie is healthy and happy at my folk's house. She suns herself regularly on the roof and terrorizes my little brother's mini-dachsund
- Finished nursing school, AS and BSN
- Started first nursing job and am enjoying learning SOOO much everyday
- C finished school as well. Know anyone who needs a tall, handsome, silly Colombian 3D modeler? He's available...for the 3D modeling that is...

I am beginning to feel old. Worked with some nursing students the other day and the news was on in a patient's room. There was some discussion on about Ashley Judd and the two nursing students said they had no idea who she was. Ashley Judd, c'mon... I don't tweet, twit, etc. Enjoying FB as I have caught up with some great folks that way. C and I are jogging together and even on one leg and a prosthesis I am still having to work it to keep up with him. Man is he tall!

My compliments to a certain old friend who has recently moved to Denmark and has been blogging, much more successfully and frequently than myself I might add, about her adventures in her new marriage and winter wonderland. I have been fortunate as of late to read so many interesting posts from old pals that I am now determined to get my act together. However, I have no intention of cooking myself silly ala Julia Child or any other such nonsense. So any nominations on a central theme? Or shall I continue random, sporatic posts of huskies in repose...

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Last year...bad blogger, bad blogger

Okay, so I never truly got the hang of this. Like the consistency part of actually posting something in the ether. I've been patchy at best and now it's been over a year since I wrote anything here. So I am officially a bad blogger. Oh well.

Quick update...not that anyone really reads this....Over the last year C and I:

-Got two Siberian huskies (well, that was a little more than a year ago)

-Bought a house and moved in (seemed only logical)

-Repainted quite a bit of said house as it had some interesting color schemes

-Learned lawn care is a PITA but can still be fun

-Got a long-awaited promotion

-Left the company I got the promotion with....go figure, right?

-Went on 110 mile paddle trip...AWESOME...can't wait to go even further

-Got accepted to a limited access nursing program

-Reconnected with my long lost blog...haha

So that's it in a nutshell. But the truth is C and I are still much the same. More stressed about some things, more relaxed about others. Pretty darn happy though. We did have a recent pet event that was pretty rough but working through it. Minnie's going to be happy and healthy and that's the most important part.

Let me see if I can't dig up some pics to post for this quickie update...Ok, here's one of Sally as a pup maybe two months after we brought her home. And the other is a few months ago with Sally (standing) and Mars (laying down) on a park bench at the puppy park. They've been fantastic though a lot of work and a fair amount of frustration. But I wouldn't trade them for the world. Though I will say that as they get older and calmer I'm really more into dogs than puppies.
Starting nursing school in January. Can't wait. Those who know C and I know that my education became a huge mess afer C's injury. But I've worked really hard to get back on track and by 2010 I hope to be all done. (atleast for awhile).
Checked out an old buddy's blog. One of my suitemates from college and a great friend, Amy, and I found each other again on Facebook and we've been trying to keep in touch. Found quite a few other people I haven't talked to in ages as well. It's been pretty interesting catching up and seeing where and what everyone is up to .
Well, I think that's it for me today. Tomorrow C and I have some things to do in the morning and are hoping that one of those ends in a new car. Can't wait!! More later-

Sunday, June 18, 2006


Went to the Keys this weekend. Saw a little of almost all of the biggies. And took this pic of the fella here. Post more later. Happy day!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Lazy Saturday

C comes home tomorrow. Mostly spent the day taking care of little projects. Not as many as I'd hoped but then not too shabby a day either. Worked on my little brother's computer, but the power supply is shot so not much to do till I replace that. Lots of fun stuff coming up. Going to Cirque du Soleil Monday. I've been several times, but C has never seen them. Very excited to take him. Spending the night in a hotel on property, so no need to drive or worry about any of that once we get there. Phew. Makes things much more relaxing. Tried to buy tickets to the new Prairie Home Companion movie ( if there was an old one!!) but they're not available for sale yet. Much as I love NPR, just not willing to shell out what the local station wants for the premiere night. Plus, I'm a little let down by them right now. Followed their suggestion to pick up David Sedaris' Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim but they have led me astray. Alas, even NPR can be wrong!! Who knew!!

Spoke to my best bud the other night. She's having breakfast with the folks in the morning. They're in the Big Apple for the weekend to do Broadway and then it's back to the grind for them. (whip cracking) She sounds amazing as always but even better this time. She's involved in a very big case and will sit for the BAR soon. We're all very proud! She puts me to shame, but I've come to love my little domestic life....husband, cats, kayaks, work....It's a pretty fabulous life actually. We've fairly well de-stressed since C's official separation from the military. Can we say leash-less??

BTW, check out . Can't believe the story of these two families. The site is amazing, gentle and honest. Can't help but be in awe of their graceful handling of such a rollercoaster.

The cat's are mad with me. This is beyond their bed time and they do not appreciate my keeping them up late. Just having a nice time and enjoying the quiet....NO TV!!!! Yeah!! Guess I'd better go placate them...seeing as how they really do rule the roost. G'night.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Just keep paddling! Just keep paddling!

Been very busy lately. Started a new job, which has been great, and bought a third boat. Still haven't named the new boat, but man, is she gorgeous! Just shy of 17', slender touring kayak with a small skeg. I've been taking her out every chance I've had. I'm definitely an addict by this point. Three boats now and I'm actually managing to get others out on the water. Took a friend from work out Wednesday. Had a great time showing him the different styles of boats, paddles, etc. Even got my fella on the water the other day. He hasn't been out in a very long time and I can honestly say he seems to have had a good time. Maybe this bodes well for future days on the water.

I don't have many pictures from the paddles I've been on lately. Really have to get a camera I can safely take on the water. I've seen some huge gators out there. Just try to give them room. Especially since they seem to be causing trouble lately. Three deaths in the last 45 days or so! Causing all sorts of commotion but you really can spend time on the water safely without running into them. Just have to keep your wits about you. Found a great local group that heads out for regular paddles. Haven't had a chance to see them lately but I'll definitely do my best to get out with them again soon.

We've also started looking at homes to buy though I have to admit the prospect of spending that much money is scary. Still trying to find out about closing costs, insurance (not cheap in a hurricane state!), termite bonds, etc. Luckily, we're not in any hurry so we can afford to take the time to do this all right.

Getting very excited about our trip to South America in August. Going to spend two weeks with my husband's family. I've never seen his home before and he hasn't been back in over seven years so this is a big trip for all of us. Nervous about my poor spanish though. Keeping my fingers crossed.

So that's all the babble I can think of for now. My guy's away visiting old friends. Spoke to him last night. Seems to be having a great time. Think I'll take the boat out for a spin tomorrow and have some fun myself!

Sunday, January 15, 2006

The Wicked World of Warcraft

Ok, so I'm just missing my husband. It's really not wicked. But occasionally if it would spit my guy out before 4 am....oh, well, it would be lovely.

The girls are beautiful. Going to a concert next weekend and I don't have to be at work again for at least three whole days! So all in all, things are going well.

The whole area is a buzz over a shooting at a school in Longwood, which is a town outside of Orlando, Florida. Obviously we don't know everything but an eighth grader brought what looked like a handgun to school and had it out. Somehow he and some other students wound up in the bathroom. The police were called and the SWAT team arrived. They said the boy was suicidal but that at some point he aimed at and threatened a police officer. The SWAT team fired at the boy and last time I saw the news he was in critical condition at a nearby hospital. Turns out the gun was a pellet gun but unfortunately it appeared real to everyone involved.

Hard to imagine. I'm around children at work all day long. Not sure how I'd take one of them having a gun. Now there will be investigations and committees and a year from now we will still be hearing about this- did the boy's parents pay enough attention? Did he play violent video games? But I think the saddest thing I saw was the mother of another student at the school who was interviewed by the local news. She was distraught and tears and said that in the morning her daughter hadn't felt well and had begged to stay home. She sent the girl to school trying to teach her responsibility and that school is important. She was wracked with guilt. Her daughter was unharmed luckily. But parents should be able to send their children to school without fear and this poor mother will probably never do that so comfortably again.

Well, it's not as if the rest of the world is peaceful. Just sad to think of an eighth grader reaching such a level.

The girls have found a cozy spot at the foot of the bed. They're wrapped up in tight little balls looking calm and beautiful. Dreaming of mice and tasty treats to hunt down, no doubt. Some times I catch them jumping around and chasing absolutely nothing. They have such fun with the simplest of toys. They make a sad day so much better. And they're fabulous company since Warcraft ate my husband!

Saturday, January 07, 2006

SciFi Friday

Alrighty then, I'm a big dork. But it's January 6th and Stargate, Stargate Atlantis and Battlestar Galactica are back!!! I have a NASTY cold. Wound up taking yesterday and today off work rather than taking my coughing, febrile self in to infect a zillion other people. C and I went to St. Augustine for about three days to celebrate our third wedding anniversary. Posting a picture of the top of the lighthouse there. Less than halfway through I just wanted to crawl into bed and die. Luckily this thing seems to be on it's way out. Haven't had a fever since last night and I'm not coughing so much. Happy to get my cold and flu season out of the way earlier. Hopefully tomorrow I might even get the kayak into the water and try out the new wetsuit. C says he might come out with me soon. I'd like to believe him but I won't force him to do anything he's uncomfortable with.

We're so surrounded by "You can do anything you want" blah blah blah. His prosthesis is awesome but at the same time it really shouldn't get wet or sandy. Water seems to set of the neuromas on the right side, causing enough pain so he won't even swim. He swam once since the accident. Not sure what made him stop. He says it was the pain but I know he didn't like the exposure of it.

Tired of watching the news. More bombings in Iraq early this morning. 137 dead plus over 200 wounded. Nothing we can do for the dead but their families have so much to deal with no and no shoulders to lean on. The wounded have recovery, physical and mental. I don't know. I knew how to get us through a lot of things but there are just parts of your life that change and no one bothers to write about those in any inspirational books. And dear gussy did we ever get inspirational books. Everyone felt like giving us this book and that about so and so who had overcome adversity. Arghh.

Ok, well, I don't even know where I'm going anymore. The girls (our kitties) are beautiful as always. Minnie tossed a toy mouse behind the cable box a minute ago. Had to rescue her. She couldn't get behind to get it out and she just looked so dejected. The vet says Bela girl has to o on a diet. Oof, I don't know how to do that. Minnie doesn't need one but I don't want to separate them for feeding. She's just more sedentary. Their personalities are so different yet they're such good sisters!